Next Level Offer. Next Level You.
Sacred Program Creation for Women Who Desire to Turn their WISDOM into WEALTH
An 8 Week Sacred Program Creation & Transformational Pathway To Ignite Your Fully Embodied Next Level
Your programs are the path to your sacred feminine wealth and next level legacy work .
Next Level Offer. Next Level You.
Sacred Program Creation for Women Who Desire to Turn their WISDOM into WEALTH
A 90 Min Channelled Program Creation & Next Level Clearing Session To Ignite Your Fully Embodied Next Level
Are you being called to bring through an evolutionary body of work?
Yes YOU, sister!
I see you.
You have a done a journey.
Studied modality after modality, undergoing intense soul initiations over the years, and NOW you are being called to weave the magic of your life’s work into an evolutionary transformation body of SACRED work!
You are ready to shift paradigms.
To bring through a unique expression of your soul level genius, higher wisdom and embodied brilliance into one revolutionary pathway in service to others!
THIS is your divine contribution.
It’s led by soul, in contribution to the evolution of others, and often requires a transformational journey of sorts, because, well, let’s face it, part of the problem here is that YOU DON’T feel ready to bring this sacred body of work forward!
The woman you see doing this work, well, that’s not you – YET!
Which means not only are you being called to birth a NEW SACRED PROGRAM, YOU are being called into the next level of your authentic feminine leadership.
FEAR, often holds women back from birthing their MOST powerful cutting edge ideas, healing technologies and paradigm shifting work into the world because NO BODY else is doing it YET!
And well, hello doubt.
Yes YOU, as a NEW paradigm feminine leader are here to move the collective forward with innovate NEW approaches, wisdom and truth.
And the REAL truth is, you have been preparing for this for a long long time through life experiences, challenges, personal healing, growth, and allll the studying you have done along the way with either mentors, teachers or through books.
NOW..your ready to infuse it all with the higher wisdom that is ready to flow through into an alchemy that pulls it all together into ONE wisdom based, wealth channel, to support your flourishing business as you root into a NEW paradigm of FEMININE FREEDOM.
Yes you are a pioneer.
We are the first of your lineage to travel to the edges of what’s truly possible for sacred feminine women to flourish in the world.
This is your time!
This is the work you came here to do.
So, let’s get over the idea that your divine nudge to birth a new body of work won’t make money, and shift into the mindset that your nudge to create a sacred program is actually the path to a NEW paradigm of flourishing feminine freedom.
Sacred Program Creation is where your WISDOM, becomes the path to your WEALTH- because my love, that is the WAY was meant to be.
It’s never been done before because you are the one to do it!
Sacred Program Creation is just as much a journey of trusting your own authentic leadership as it is about birthing a new body of work.
Yes Woman! Deep down you are feeling the call to bring forward evolutionary work, or why else would you be here!?
You feel it in your bones – the birth of a body of work, a sacred vision, a next level YOU.
BUT, still you hesitate.
How could it be possible?
From where you stand now there is NO evidence of THIS woman.
This future woman holds deep space for the activated transmission of a program pathway that is steeped in her rich wisdom, and sacred evolutionary souls work.
But listen sister. Over the years I have birthed programs that have generated me well over 6-figures. Just 1 offer!
I have listened.
Followed the call.
And DONE the journey into embodied evolution of my soul’s calling and sacred work (many many times through sacred program creation & next level embodiment) – even when it looked like NO ONE ELSES.
Your soul knows.
But your human self, SHE hesitates.
There truly is an art, and a beauty to bringing through sacred programs that scale your business, AND contribute to the collective evolution of the planet.
There is a journey to be done.
And that journey requires alignment between your vibration self NOW.
And the vibrational self you are being called to EMBODY.
SHE is powerful.
YES. And SHE is calling you into your evolution, through the sacred work that only YOU are here to do!
To do a journey that will prepare you to space hold for the delicious container of transformation
that only you are here to bring through.
During the Next Level You, Next Level Offer, Sacred Program Creation Pathway You will:
- Open to the Akashic Field (the vibrational creative set point) in a field of unlimited possibilities, anchoring into new pathways of potential as you download and channel through your next level sacred program.
- Activate the timeline of your future next level self & program launch date!!
- Clarify the consciousness of the program that is wanting to be birthed through you. That means during the first part of the program you will be working on refining the energetic attributes of what you are creating. From the branding, to the overall tone of the program.
- We will create aligned pricing – pricing that feels good to you, but also speaks to the value and impact of your work. This will most likely stretch you.
- We will get clear on how many women you are calling in, and who your aligned women are, so you can be aligned in your marketing message as you share your program.
- From there we will activate the future timeline of THE WOMAN, who has already filled and sold the program, creating alignment to begin your embodiment journey.
- We will dive into soul level energetic clearing work, to untangle limitations around visibility, money, power, and speaking truth through the Akashic Records. This opens the path free of tangled limitations holding you back, while activting the NEW internal framework needed to carry your next level self and sacred body of work out into the world!
- Receive everything you need to feel confident, clear and empowered to do the journey into your next level you sacred embodiment and program launch!
- Receive continued next steps on your embodiment journey of becoming a vibrational match to your next level woman and program launch during 2 Mastermind Live Q & A / Group Clearing Calls.
- Leave with a NEW wealth channel to support your flourish feminine business foundation & legacy work.
- Through the entire duration of the Next Level You, Next Level Offer Sacred Program Creation Pathway you will:
Have access to me (and other masterminding sisters in the group) for support, questions, and while you put the finishing touches on your NEW program.
I will review, give feedback and offer suggestions on titles, program structure, etc. I don’t do editing.
If you come up against walls, or blocks as you step out with your offer, I will be there with intuitive guidance 24/7 for breakthroughs!
Which means you feel held, and supported as you move forward with ease, clarity and alignment as you birth your sacred program (and your new self)!
“Tara has helped me to be authentic and genuine in my content offers, then magnetically attracting the right clients. I learned to take all of my gifts, wisdom and expertise into one program. I have never felt so aligned, excited and passionate in my business.”
MODULE 1 - Revolutionary Release & Quantum Timeline Activation
Woman! You are being called to birth yourself anew beyond the lineage of any woman in your family history. It is time, to strip away the layers of old, and FULLY say yes to the woman inside of you that is ready to be born.
Deep in your core, you feel the call to bring forward a deep wisdom based body of work that fuses all aspects of your genius into one pathway of transformation.
A new way. A new woman. A new wealth channel for a new paradigm.
The woman you are now? She doesn’t get to come along for the ride into the next leg of your evolution.
So, let’s lovingly release the old self image & powerfully set the stage for a quantum leap into the next level self & sacred offered offer you are being called to bring forward at this time.
Let’s prepare for a revolutionary rise into your legacy work as a divine feminine leader.
MODULE 2 - Channel Your Sacred Program
Your feminine genius needs a container to ground the wisdom of the transformation that only she is uniquely here to bring through.
The container becomes the masculine structure that holds the medicine of your evolutionary body of work, not to mention a channel of wealth for your new paradigm flourishing freedom!
It’s a marriage between the consciousness of the body of work that is ready to be birthed through you & the sacred structure that holds it all.
There is deep wisdom, transmission, and energetic medicine in the sacred program that only you are here to bring through.
Here in the space of the Akashic Field we connect, and channel through the energy and essence of your sacred program pathway.
Join me in a guided Akashic Field journey into the consciousness, vibration, symbology, voice and tone of the program that is ready to ground into physical form.
This is a highly creative and fun process where we open to what wants to come through.
Here we open to download a sacred body of work that combines your higher wisdom intelligence, and your evolutionary embodied wisdom.
We anchor into the version of you, who has created, launched and filled this next level offer.
We create aligned pricing, and begin to call in your divinely aligned clients.
Trust me! If your being called, the divine right clients and the money is out there, but in order to make it happen we have to go first.
MODULE 3 - Crystalize Your Sacred Program
Stylize the pathway of your unique Sacred Program.
Here we layout the details out of your transformational container.
Be guided through a step by step process to clarify & crystalize the details of your body of work.
Here we map out & finalize the title, core message and medicine of your offer as well as the program title modules that become the step-by-step journey of transformation that you will take your clients on.
Explore the foundation of a beautiful well written attractive landing page for your Sacred Program(tm), and how to begin to pull it all together in way that captures all of you.
Feel solid in the value of what you are selling, and the results you are offering through your wisdom based Sacred Program.
Understand the difference between trading “time for dollars”, and the “value of transformation”, which has nothing to do with time!
Clarify all the additional “add ins” that lend to the flow of your Sacred Program outside the content you will be delivering.
Explore a vareity of different systems to have in place for ease, that support both you and the client.
MODULE 4 - Energetic Alignment,Embodiement & Money Ease
When we let our sacred feminine desires, vision, needs and wants lead, alignment becomes the natural extension of that.
So I ask, how can the divine contribution of your sacred program, provide the divine compensation to support the vision you have for your life, divine woman?
Opening up streams of income, to provide a service is one thing, but what about how we will use the money to create life on our terms.
The divine does not withhold compensation from our divine feminine desires.
Money, and creative energy LOVES purpose.
So let’s get clear.
When we have clarity, we have alignment.
When we have alignment, we have ease.
When we know who we need to become to be an embodied match for that which we desire, manifestation becomes the outcome.
No pushing. No chasing. No scarcity. No lack.
Just pure magic & manifestation.
You are NOT doing it all alone. It’s time to exercise your royal divine feminine heritage wealthy heritage, and work the masculine mojo of the divine to do the heavy lifting on your behalf.
Whether its the clients, cash or divine desires your calling in, it’s time to lean into the higher support of the heavens to ground your sacred path, purpose…and program for that matter!
It gives you who you are.”
MODULE 5- Beauty, Power & Wealth
Every next levels calls us into a more fully grounded physical expresssion of our beauty, power & wealth as women.
The holy trinity of feminine power. AND yet, every woman has her edge.
Where is yours? Where does being visible in all aspects of your power as a women hold you back and keep you playing small.
Here we explore visibility blocks, sisterhood wounds, money blocks and blocks from shining authentically in all of who you were born to be.
The secret sacred feminine attraction factor is being able to boldly shine, while sharing the wealth of wisdom, you power woman where born to share!
Birthing your next level offer is ALL about taking up EVEN more space in the world,with all the faucets of your essential divine expression here on the planet at this time,
Space needs needs to be made, for all that is ready to ground in the physical world next!
This Module prepares your internal root systems for your outer visible success.
MODULE 6 - Sacred Feminine Sales
In the NEW feminine economy even sales get’s to be easy.
During Module 6 we will examine heart based, ways to invite your divine right clients into a journey with you through your Sacred Program.
Learn the art of hand invites, and begin to intuitively map out the heart based selling pathway that speaks to your soul!
Sharing the beauty and magic of your Sacred Program get’s to feel pleasurable, safe and fun for YOU!
Let’s design a sales plan that feels good to your body, and speaks to your soul!
When alignment is present (which we create right from the beginning of Module 1), the sales process really becomes the icing on the cake!
Say bye bye to traditional selling techniques, and step into community inspired sharing model that ads value and feels of high service even as we step out to fill our Sacred Program.
MODULE 7 -Space Holding Mastery for Client Transformation
One of the biggest concerns with program creation, whether group or one on one, is the feeling of being responsible for the people journeying through our programs.
There truly is an alchemy when someone says yes to the medicine of our sacred work, and container, that exists beyond anything we have to do, and yet we still have a support role to play.
Learn both the subtle and advanced aspects of space holding for the highest good of the client.
When you understand the basics of Sacred Program Creation, and the role you play within the experiential journey of the client there is an element of ease for both parties.
You can let go of the need to control for any particular outcome, and allow the program pathway to hold the client. From here the art becomes knowing when to lean in for support, and when to let go.
There is a beautiful dance when it comes to space holding. When we understand the rhythm present between ourselves, the client, and the edge of the container at play, we can detach from the outcome, clear on where our boundaries are, and what our true role to play is in client transformation.
MODULE 8 -Next Level Feminine Leadership & Prosperity (You Made It!).
Becoming the woman who has successfully birthed, and filled the beautiful body of work you are being called to bring through is the journey into our next level.
We don’t stop until the work is done, because that is when the program and our next level has fully grounded!
There will most likely be challenges and road blocks, but THIS is the journey.
This is where we are being given an opportunity to strengthen and BECOME the woman who is teaching, leading and guiding the program she was called to BIRTH.
It will require vulnerabily.
It will require courage to share your deep work with the world, but you are an evolutionary woman and this is your evolutionary body of work.
This is your time.
Your work is very needed.
And you have done the journey!
Experience an Akashic Guided journey & Embodiement Ritual to fully root, rise and flourish in the next level of your prosperity and feminine leadership.
Let’s narrow all the gaps, and fully BECOME NOW the woman you have been called to become.
This is the stuff miracles are made of! Watch the final pieces of your Sacred Program click into place, and manifest with ease at the speed of light!
Step more fully into your leadership, while owning the value more fully, of our gifts, medicine, and expertise.
Divinely inspired programs stretch our capacity, and ask us to grow into the work we are being invited to birth into reality for collective evolution.
Our up leveled sacred offers are not just offers, they are a part of our evolutionary soul work in the world.
It then becomes about doing the journey to become the woman who has created, launched and filled the NEW body of work.
Once we’ve connected the energy and essence of our sacred work with those that it is meant for, THEN we have reached the final destination of an embodied outcome.
This is also why SO many women get stuck in the birthing process of uplevelled offers.
They think “Who me”, “how”?
“I can’t possibly bring this through”.
BUT the program calls us into more of our evolution, just as much as it is the divinely inspired answer for the women who your work is being created for.
New offers, ask us to elevate.
So creating your up-leveled offer from the vibrational set point of where you are now, versus who you are asked to become through the creation process often doesn’t work.
What does work is tapping into the consciousness of the program that desires to come through, AND feeling into who you are asked to become as you bring this work forward into the collective.
And that is EXACTLY what this 8 Week, Next Level You, Sacred Program Creation Supports you with!
Program creation is a divine act of high service that supports not just the evolution of your path, but also the people you are in service to while opening up channel for wealth to flow.
SO… Are you ready to birth a NEW evolutionary body of work, but stuck in doubt?
Can you feel the edges of it, but aren’t able to fully ground it?
Are you hesitating, and looping around in the details of the offer, but still don’t know where to land with it?
Are YOU ready to MOVE forward into your sacred feminine evlution & finally say YES to the calling of your next level self & sacred body of work?
Then allow me to assist you.
“You have helped me with one of the most confident launches I’ve ever had and I thank you for that Tara!”
Claim your sister seat in the Next Level YOU, Next Level OFFER, sacred program creation pathway
where I work with you to channel your evolutionary wisdom into a high value signature transformation.
We get aligned.
We get clear.
We talk divine compensation through your new wealth channel.
We channel the offer through & make a plan to take it out into the world.
And we set the stage for the next leg of your evolutionary body of work.
Leave with all the pieces you need to birth the beauty of your soul’s work into a next level high value signature offer, while anchoring into the woman you are being called to be.
Next Level Offer. Next Level You.
All Modules Recorded
$297 USD
(Value $1997 USD)
Every effort has been made to make to represent the program in detail and clearly!
This is a tried tested and true program with 100% success rates should you fully certify!
Should you make a purchase you are held 100% responsible for paying in full.
Will you be one of them?
The world is waiting for what ONLY you have to offer.
Your programs are the path to your sacred feminine wealth, and next level legacy work.
These channels of wealth provide a flourishing business foundation, for your essence to be an elevated channel of true in the world.
Message me with questions:
Meet Tara
Tara Preston is a New Paradigm Feminine Leadership, Prosperity & Business Mentor for visionary, spiritual women who are desire to flourish in all areas areas of life.
She is a 6 figure spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.
She now has a prosperous, freedom based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for their next level prosperity, leadership and legacy work all. while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine wealth codes.
Tara helps her clients deeply connect to & trust their intuition, leaning into the uniqueness of their authentic leadership, where they begin to create the rules they get to play by in both life & business.
She helps women embrace their power to create life on their terms, shifting from old masculinzed ways of operating in their businesses to ways that feels aligned to how they are naturally designed to flourish, experiencing new levels of prosperity and freedom.
Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting it with greater ease and pleasure!
Through the last 20 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth, and power OR creating Sacred Programs that capture the many gifts, talents and wisdom of women, in order to open up wealth streams to support true empowered financial freedom doing the work that only they came here to do at this time on the planet.
To date Tara has created 12 Signature Channeled Programs, many of them STILL continue to generate income.
Some of her Most Well Known & Most Loved Programs Have Been:
The Intuitive Beauty Cleanse ™
Magical Feminine Prosperity ™
Glamour Goddess
Feminine Soul Wisdom
Radiant Mama Rising Year Long Program
Femme Magic 5K & Beyond Mastermind
Feminine Phoenix Rising ™
Akasha Rising ™
Way Of Sacred SHE ™
Flower Of Life Akashic Certification Program ™
AND many more!
You can learn more about Tara by going to
Copyright © 2021 Tara Preston All rights reserved