Quantum Queen Business Transformation

A 4 month energetic & body based business program for Sacred Feminine Leaders who want to structure (or restructure) a business in alignment with their deeper feminine values (time freedom), while in the flow of how they are naturally designed to manifest.

Are you ready for a revolutionary, NEW business paradigm for feminine leaders?

Welcome Spiritual Woman On The Rise….

Would you love to do business in a new paradigm of energetic, intuitive, pleasurable, magnetic and fully embodied feminine power?

To embrace your full bodied potential to create life on your terms, regardless of the latest business strategy?

Women don’t have to do business like men do and in-fact when you lean into your feminine superpowers and develop the confidence to flow with your intuitive leadership, past how you’ve been told business should be, you begin to create authentic success and a true freedom that actually works for you and the way you desire to freely show up in the world.

Are you ready to also work waaaayyyy less to create results in your business or to attract clients and money?

That’s right, you have got the power (and dare I say the magic) but are you really using it to create life on YOUR TERMS?

Your feminine magnetism comes not from pushing endlessly to achieve the next level breakthrough but rather from gathering your raw creative power, building
your attraction frequency and embodying NEW energetic states to create incredible outcomes in your business.

This isn’t always easy to do, is it?

Most likely you have got a few of these pieces.

But I bet you override your intuitive feminine navigation system. You know you’re on the edge of something and yet…

You end up hesitating BIG TIME, when it comes to fully trusting your body wisdom, FULL intuitive system and your POWERFUL ability to CREATE.

You push, fall out of flow. Yet again…over thinking your next move.

Your energy is always communicating with the fabric of life based on your desire for creation.

You are creation energy, interacting with the quantum field ALL THE TIME. And you’re either working with it intentionally (and consciously) or NOT.

You are a hybrid of royal divine intelligence and human intentional creativity and this dual nature is connected to a web of energy that exists within us and all around us into a field of information that is constantly offering valuable feedback in how we are both creating powerfully and being guided to manifest moment to moment.



You will know this program is for you IF:

● You are SO ready for that next level program (or income stream) to finally crystallize and birth itself out into the world (but keep putting it off).

● You’re ready to break through an income ceiling or open a NEW income stream to expand into your next level money breakthrough without having to hustle to make it happen.

● You are ready to BE and fully embody your next level woman now, becoming the vibrational match for all that you desire (money included) as you step out, sharing your sacred gifts and sacred work with the world through an up leveled offer to match.

● You’re ready to build your energy for sustainable cash and create from a spacious place of flow. While calling in money with EASE!

● You know that NOW is your time to BE the fully expressed version of you, shining, leading and making MORE money but not from the paradigm of hustle.

● You’re ready to FULLY trust your natural creative impulse and energy to LEAD, for more flow, money, fun, self expression and ease!

● You’re ready to scale or restructure your business in alignment with your feminine values (spaciousness, self care, pleasure, intimacy, connection, travel and time for family). While making more money – because money loves space.

You will ALSO know this program is for you IF:

● You know that working the way your parents did doesn’t work for you (working hard, busy – worker bee tendencies are for servant girls, not for queens)!

● Overachieving is GREAT but aren’t YOU so tired of having to do it all, all the time with little space for being in your Queen’s pleasure?

● Traditional business advice is often boring and feels SO outdated and masculinized. BUT you still question whether it’s safe to let (and trust) your natural feminine impulses (and vision) lead.

● Your husband’s money advice doesn’t seem to really speak to you because you know that making money is meant to be EASY, pleasurable and is meant to flow endlessly from a divine supply in service to YOUR sacred evolution and the healing of the planet!

● You’re a natural feeler and know this is a powerful gift but haven’t figured out how to use it as a secret business weapon yet!

● You’re ready to use your spiritual power & the physical intelligence of your body to powerfully anchor your feminine frequency for fast movement forward that doesn’t require pushing, hustling or a ton of doing.

● You’re ready to fine-tune your ability to trust your unique energetic language or ability to hold energetic alignment, in order to navigate breakthroughs, finally birth through your BIG program idea, launch your next level program or manifest next level money breakthroughs.

● You’re ready for more time, to do the things you LOVE (and to create more space for your feminine values) so you can nourish YOUR BEAUTY more fully and live from a place of fullness that actually attracts with natural ease, more of the good stuff to grow your business. And by good stuff, I mean: money, clients and opportunities.

● Scale your business, while making sure your systems & structures support YOU as the QUEEN of your business empire.

● Shift your relationship with the masculine & money once and FOR ALL. Yes they are intrinsically connected for women. 🙂

There is a theory that the Quantum Field is always working for us, the question is are you working with it, intentionally and on purpose?

Are you aligning YOUR energy, beauty & body and vision to achieve more of what you are divinely desiring to create in your business?

It is safe to trust your NATURAL:

● Instincts
● Impulses
● Intuition


It rests in your DEEP ability to TRUST your innate vision and instincts on all levels. You are CARVING THE PATH.

You are a trailblazer, are you NOT?

The reason ONLY YOU see where you are going and are meant to go, is because it’s YOUR VISION.

The question is, ARE YOU TRUSTING?

Or are you resisting?


Doubting…the very fabric of how you are uniquely designed to create?

YES!! YOU ARE THE QUEEN CREATOR of your destiny.

A QUANTUM WOMAN who is ready to defy an ancient system of limitation, creating FULL FEMIINE FREEDOM on her terms, in the way she is naturally designed to lead, rise and flourish.

This is your GODDESS given power.

SO, no more slowing yourself down.

It’s time to break free and do the DAMN thing the WAY YOU WANT TO.

The way you’re naturally designed to.

In a way that creates success, quantum leaps and breakthroughs that honor your pleasure, ease and innate feminine power.

In this program we are going to focus on:

● Energetic Alignment to your outcome through Quantum Field Activation & Akashic Record clearing work to energetically untangle layers & strands of blocks opening the way for ease and quick results

● You as the limitless source of wealth, ideas & genius

● Your feminine embodiment (practices, rituals and ways of being)

● Body intelligence to guide energetic alignment

● Pleasure as a compass for business navigation

● Anchoring you into your body and using it to attract, magnetize and lead

● Boosting your attraction frequency to attract your desires to you like bees to the most luscious flowers

● Energetic Breakthroughs & income stream creation (crystalize & birth your next level sacred offer)

● Boundaries (Your essence needs strong boundaries to lead and flourish)

● Allowing Yourself To Be Seen While Falling Madly in love with you

● Building your capacity to receive, root and rise like never before!

● Money, Magnetism and Miracles

Beyond the level of the brain, your energy is leading.

It leads through wisdom centers and an energy that is always pulling us and guiding us into our fullest, most prosperous divine self here in the physical world.
When we’re listening, trusting and allowing this part of our communication to lead with flow with less hustle, more alignment and much better accuracy when it comes to taking the right next guided steps!


● 4 Months, live meetings for 3 weeks with a one week integration week off each month other than the first month where we meet every week.
● 1 VIP 2 hr – Quantum Queen Business Clearing, Activation, & Channeling Session For Program Creation/Business up-leveling (Value $1500)
● 12, 45 Min Sessions for continuous energetic alignment, activations and clearings. (Value $4500) OR 8 45 Sessions as a smaller container option.

Each session is a combination of quantum soul-level transmissions, clearing work & shamanic soul level coaching to elevate your empire, embodiment and up level for time bending, soul shifting results!

● Unlimited email & messenger support each month for micro block breakthroughs between sessions (Value $2000)
● Energetic, intuitive reads on your life, business, or launches, where and when you need them to keep you in energetic alignment and flow – and momentum building breakthroughs
● Feedback with program creation where needed.

Vibrational Alignment & Quantum Energetic Untangling

It’s very hard to figure out your next level from the mental body without the alignment of an energetic outcome anyways!

And before you EVEN implement an aligned strategy you have to be anchored in the vibrational set point of who you are being called to be or your efforts are futile and will keep you looping in the same old.

We’ve been really conditioned to follow the rules, work step by step or feel like it has to be really HARD before we can receive our success.

SO, if you’re TIRED of the old way and wish to MAXIMIZE your feminine energy for quantum results let’s get your alignment sorted first and energetically CLEAR the path of your next activated timeline for super speed movement.

This doesn’t have to be hard, when it can be so so easy!

Embodied Beauty & Spacious Business Flow For Quantum Speed

What if your next level was about trusting yourself, while becoming more embodied in your beauty, truth and power as a feminine messenger & leader. What if what was needed was actually slowing down, integrating MORE fully your essence and gathering your power for deep embodiment.

What if states of being, NOT speeding up to reach your goals, was really the WAY to your next quantum leap.

What if your next level has nothing to do with strategy or mindset BUT everything to do with ENERGY and your rooted spacious CAPACITY to actually RECEIVE everything you’re calling in.

Let’s recalibrate down to the core and step into greater feminine wealth, flow and pleasure NOW, so SHE can do business the way she is naturally designed to; with ease and a whole lot of magnetism.

Ready to drop the hustle?

Ready to flow with nourished ease?

Then this is for YOU!

Masculine Matrixes & Money Mindset Mechanics For Rapid Manifestation

Your wealth is in your power.

Simple? Mmmm…maybe not SO simple.

Let’s clear down to the cellular level, deep seeded beliefs that hold you back from stepping into visible QUEEN POWER.

Let’s shift your masculine matrix to meet you on the throne of your fully embodied next level self, where money becomes your loyal lover and you rise as the holy leader of your empire.

You are the commander.

The creatrix.

The clear conduit of limitless prosperity.

This is your heaven & your earth.

Natural Intuitive Impulses & soulful strategies to guide your up level

I’m not going to give you a ton of strategy for your business (although I could) I’m more of a, “guide you into your full feminine embodiment, matching your next level of prosperity and soul’s calling,” kinda gal.

Women don’t have to do business like men do and in fact when we lean into our feminine superpowers and develop the confidence to flow with our intuition, past how we’ve been told business should be we begin to create an authentic success that actually works for us and the way we desire to show up in the world.

I probably won’t push you to follow the marketing rules or latest marketing trends but I will hold space for you to trust your own vision, body wisdom and intuitive impulses.

I’m not going to push you into a cookie cutter business but I will hold space for your natural authentic beauty, voice, gifts and message to lead through your branding.

I probably won’t tell you what to do as a feminine business leader but I will present you with multiple possible avenues and have you dial into the one that’s most aligned to you, anchoring you into your own authentic leadership.

Let’s schedule a time to connect and see if my NEWEST program Quantum Queen is a perfect fit for you!


SO, are you ready for a feminine approach to business, beauty?

Are you ready to feel the fulfillment of flowing with your unique soul-level genius and authentic feminine leadership style?

Are you so done with the pushing, doing, draining patterns that leave you feeling depleted?

Are you desiring to feel confident in your ability to follow your intuition in business?

Are you ready for a free burst of inspiration and creativity to awaken your world?

This is a 4 month, energetic, body based quantum business program that will accelerate your outcome and shorten the path to your NEXT LEVEL income bump, program launch or up level.

It has everything to do with stepping into your leadership, wielding your feminine power and holding an energetic frequency that will manifest quick results, break through stubborn barriers that have been keeping you small through loss of momentum and CLEAR alignment.

The world needs what you have to offer— spinning your wheels in hesitation or lack of alignment does not need to be part of the equation.

Feeling limited or stuck in struggle serves NO one.

This is your time to gain boosting strategies to totally revolutionize the way you’ve been showing up in your business.

This is full permission to step out, be seen and do business in a way that supports how you are naturally designed to flow!