
“Intermittently, for the past 7 years, Tara Preston has held a safe space for me, has supported me and has played a huge role in my transitioning from feeling scattered and overwhelmed to a more aligned, playful, mindful and empowered way of living. I will always feel the deepest sense of gratitude for Tara, especially as I step into this new chapter of my journey.

Tara has reassured me it doesn’t have to ‘make sense,’ right now – it just has to ‘feel,’ right. Stepping into my leadership and power has been the greatest gift I could give myself and anyone who crosses my path.

Tara is a beautiful, bright light listening to her own heart and inspiring others. Anyone blessed enough to experience her sessions and/or programs will benefit from them always.”


– Ellen Nasser, Singer, Songwriter, Mama


“Working with Tara as my 1:1 mentor in her Feminine Phoenix Rising program was amazing. I showed up with such incredible poverty consciousness and in 9 months I was able to embrace a new feminine model of prosperity.

I am amazed at the shift I have had around giving myself permission to enjoy feminine flow and open to receive what I desire in my daily life and in my business.

She holds such a sacred container for transformation. Her work in the Akashic Records cleared so much old paradigm beliefs and brought in new ways of navigating life.

I honestly had never been held by such a field of divine feminine energy until working with her and she has been so generous with extra tools and goodies to support my journey.

Thank you for the visionary guidance and believing in my work.”


– Patricia, Modern Mystic & Soul Liberation Guide

“Tara, working with you one-on-one through your program was SO huge for me. Thank god I stepped into this program.

“I was feeling suffocated in my life.

All of your guided workshops and the one-on-one programs are helping a lot, along with figuring out what I want in a relationship and standing my ground. I communicated to the men in my life and I no longer feel pressure in my relationships.

It’s freedom. I trust myself fully. I also just wanted to share that I am loving getting in sync with the moon. You rock. I hope you know how much you have helped me.

Thank you for sharing your gifts You are very talented! I guess when the student is ready the teacher appears. I am loving where I am at. I have come so far.”

– Pam, Mama, & Healer , Canada

More Feedback from Powerful Women

My session work with Tara has helped me find the inner strength to heal deep inner soul wounds that held me back from being all I was meant to be as an artist, Mom, and leader!

She has such a gift for tackling heavy issues with a light and gentle approach. Tara has helped me walk through the journey of learning to love and express my true self with grace and confidence. I always leave each session with both practical next steps and spiritual connections. Thank you Tara for sharing your gift!”


– Dara Schindelle, Singer & Songwriter


“I decided to work with Tara at a time when I had completely lost the vision for my work!

Working with her has been truly remarkable as she supported me in regaining trust in myself and in honing in on what I truly want to birth in my life as an intuitive artist!

She helped me to recognize my strengths, acknowledge my past patterns of self-sabotage and to develop a deep trust in my path.

During our time together I launched one of my most successful programs and then deepened into what’s truly aligned for me! I now feel so grounded and self-assured in who I am as I step more fully into my highest self-expression!

I’m so grateful to have been able to work with Tara and know that I’ll be doing it again in the future!


– Jackie Delbasion, Visionary Artist, Shamanic Priestess


“Thank you, thank you, thank you Tara! I’m so thrilled you reached out to me for this program!

I’m connecting to my inner Goddess and my higher self more and more and I’m so grateful!

The major breakthrough for me was, by healing my relationship with myself, all of my relationships healed at some level!

I’ve discovered that by loving myself, everything else just falls into place!

Tara helped me see my light because her light is so bright. She comes from a place of love and I feel completely comfortable and safe under her care and guidance.

And, I didn’t tell you that since doing your intuition exercises with the cards and pendulum, using all of your guidance, my readings (for myself) have been spot on and crystal clear!!!

– Melissa, Healer, Canada

I actually have no words to describe the value that I have received through the Feminine Phoenix Rising Program. I am a completely different person than I was only 9 months ago. By incorporating the tools and guidance I have received from Tara I have watched my business grow and prosper in ways I have only imagined.

I have given up on the push push and hustle tactics that once ruled my life and business and incorporated a more inspired action approach to my business and my life.   I have found ease and confidence in my sales techniques and understand the value of the gifts I am sharing.  I have learned how to gracefully find balance in all aspects of my life, juggling family, friends, self-care and my work.

I am looking forward to a future full of potential and all that I desire for my business, myself and my loved ones. I am forever grateful for Tara’s Teachings and I highly recommend this program for any woman looking to grow their business in a way that feels inspired.


– Shannon Kelly, The Vintage Gypsy


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