Evolutionary Woman 1 Year Feminine Leadership

Business & Life Transformation


Hello Sacred Mother, muse, sacred activist or visionary woman on a mission.

You are an evolutionary woman called to embody a NEW paradigm of feminine FREEDOM!

Are you ready to burn away OLD paradigm masculinized programming, heal stories of lack & limitation right at the soul level and rise, rooted in your  legacy work, pioneering a new frontier of feminine leadership & wealth?

Are you ready to build your sustainable 6 figure business in the flow of your own (and seasonal) cycles for true rooted sustainability and long term longevity (NO  BURN OUT, LOTS OF EASE & SPACIOUSNESS)

Do you know that your feminine embodiment is key to building your capacity to hold your next level vision?

Would you love to learn to let your body (and your naturalness)  lead in business?

The path to freedom begins with the inner & outer foundation of your flourishing new – paradigm, freedom – based business that is  the FULL expression of YOU!

You know in your bones you are here to BREAK FREE and to help other women do the same. Yet you haven’t figured out exactly how to create the business breakthrough you desire. So that you can truly root into a flourishing feminine – based business that would give you:






A Business that is ROOTED in:




A business and a life that truly reflects your divine feminine desires!

The reason that your business hasn’t bloomed to support you YET is because most likely these very pieces aren’t embodied (fully turned on and integrated as a source of power at the level of your physical BODY) and you don’t YET have the inner foundation to hold you as you step forward into the next leg of your foundation. 

Think of a deep ROOTING into soul & body (your lower charka’s have the answer’s here)

This is where we drop the hustle.

Anchor into body.

Root into pleasure

And work energetically to begin shifting the paradigm around how to POWERFULLY CREATE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS and lead from the feminine (heart, womb & desire).

To fully anchor into a NEW paradigm business model rooted in feminine principles.

A WOMB matrix that holds the grid of a FLOURISHING life and business.




Business is like a spiral.



You may have some of these pieces but not all, YET!

To truly hold the vision of our life & business we must first have the capacity to hold it all and that
happens at the level of energy and body!

The root system (the lower chakras) to hold that and provide the foundation for what we desire.

I see you.

I am you and I am calling you to join me on this epic journey of evolutionary feminine business and embodiment.

Because the two go hand in hand.


This is a deep container of space holding for the woman who is ready to take her business and sacred leadership to the NEXT level. Who KNOWS she needs both the inner root system and outer physical world platform to support her 5k & Beyond Flourishing Feminine, New Paradigm Based Business.


She’s ready to claim herself as an expert, an authority and a feminine leader. By calling in her community and receiving divine compensation through an aligned business platform that holds her strong as she rises rooted in true sustainable principles to support her flourishing freedom based lifestyle & soul’s calling.


Get your foundation set up right and learn the energetics & body based business strategies that create alignment & ease!


You can do this!

There is a NEW woman emerging.

A woman ready to embody a NEW paradigm of feminine freedom
through all aspects of life that include:


✨ time freedom 

✨ business freedom 

✨ body freedom 

✨ emotional freedom 

✨ money freedom 

✨ creative freedom 









To use our energy not in obligation to a society but to gather the power of our divine feminine creation energy and use it to fuel our vision & true soul desires (not our conditioned wants)…


Our sacred business is THE true path to freedom on all levels!

In order to be free at this time on the planet, we have to free ourselves from the shackles of limitation once and for all.

Yes, yes…It’s time to stop living out of pain and to ride the wave of our pleasure into new prosperous paradigm bliss.

Life doesn’t have to be hard. 

Money doesn’t have to be hard. 

Relationships don’t have to be hard.


It’s time to create our lives on our own terms, using the feminine principles of pleasure, rooted prosperity and flow, SENSUALITY, creativity, fun, attraction, desire and intuition. 

This is for the evolutionary woman leader who is called to serve in the new paradigm and create a freedom based business doing the sacred work she came here to do at this time. 

You know you have magic in your heart.

A powerful vision.

Wisdom you are ready to turn into wealth.


It’s time to powerfully claim your wealthy heritage and who you are as a way-shower into a new earth!




This is for you if…


  • You are ready to FINALLY make the jump into the vision your soul is calling you to live
  • You want a sustainable approach to building a SOLID legacy business, rooted in new paradigm flourishing feminine principles
  • You want to learn to lead, create, flow and flourish in your feminine leadership, untangling masculinized ways of doing business.
  • You’re ready to trust deeply your soul to lead
  • You are ready to claim & embody your MOST powerful, beauty & wealthy self (time to get even more visible)
  • You are ready to build your 5k & Beyond Business Foundation rooted in the NEW paradigm Feminine Prosperity Principles (cause once you have your 5k foundation you have your 6 figure foundation too)
  • You desire spaciousness, simplicity and sensuality to guide your business
  • You know you need the inner foundation and the outer foundation to support your next level prosperity, leadership and business evolution
  • It’s time to do the deep work to support your legacy path
  • You can NO longer put your soul’s calling on hold
  • You are done trying to figure it out all on your own and desire sister support and a revolutionary soul level women’s guide to support your rise into sovereignty, prosperity and sacred leadership

Deep down your community is waiting for you.

And you know you can no longer put your BIG vision on hold.

You are being called and Spirit equips the one that says YES.

You KNOW this is more than just a hobby business for you. This is a legacy path!

By now, you have figured out that investing in your business is KEY in moving forward.

And you know that RECEIVING support holds you as you hold others, allowing you to show up even more powerfully!

You’ve been doing this for a bit BUT you’re ready to build a sustainable business that supports your
FREEDOM, expression and long term wealth!


Are you desiring to …

  • Build a flourishing freedom based business rooted in new paradigm prosperity principles while in the flow of your divine feminine naturalness.
  • Allow your body & womb to lead in business like never before!
    SHE knows the way. 
  • Feel held, nurtured and supported as you take the bold steps to live in the beauty of your soul’s purpose.
  • Create your freedom based soul aligned business and thrive in the new economy offering your sacred gifts through high value signature offers, that lay the foundation for your future wealth creation!
  • Navigate the up-level of taking up more space in the world with your essence’s voice, medicine, expression and sacred work in the world which ease. Meaning, you won’t get stuck or hold back when you push up against the energetics of old relationship dynamics
  • Birth yourself anew while  in the flow of the seasonal cycles to support a total life & business reinvention (and sustainable energy as you flow forward into your evolution).
  • Get clear on your unique body of work, essence expression and how to marry it ALL with money!
  • Set the stage for a business that will create the ultimate in  freedom of expression for yourself in every area of life, including financially!
  • Step into who you are as a NEW paradigm feminine leader! Your women are waiting.
  • Deepen into embodiment ritual & pleasure practices so you can root to rise!





So, are you ready to be the fully awakened, free, naturally prosperous woman you were born to be?

Every dream, every next level, will require a new you.

This new you will require you to step into more of your beauty, truth and power. And trust me when I say that rarely works for society!

We must be ready to break free…

So are you?

If you are, then you are being called into a soul path initiation that will take you into the true divine power that you are being nudged to lead with.

This is where our true freedom lives. This is where we are given the opportunity to radiantly rise through the ashes of the old and into the newness of 5D Paradigm living.  However until now there has really been no guides, no sacred container or WOMB to hold women as they shed the skin of old conditioning and wounds, then boldly step into their full potential and power.

This is your time. The time is now.      


Meet Tara

Tara Preston is a New Paradigm Feminine Leadership, Prosperity & Business Mentor for visionary, spiritual women who are desire to flourish in all areas areas of life.

She is a 6 figure spiritual business owner, who has spent the last decade working with women at soul-level through one of kind life reinvention transformational packages and Akashic Record work.

She now has a prosperous, freedom based business where she guides other women through major life transformations that paves the way for their next level prosperity, leadership and legacy work all the while rooting deeply into the power of their divine feminine wealth codes.

Tara helps her clients deeply connect to & trust their intuition, leaning into the uniqueness of their authentic leadership, where they begin to create the rules they get to play by in both life & business.

She helps women embrace their power to create life on their terms, shifting from old masculinized ways of operating in their businesses to ways that feels aligned to how they are naturally designed to flourish, experiencing new levels of prosperity and freedom.

Women quickly feel empowered to step into the spotlight of their lives through Tara’s work, then claiming what it is they truly want without apology, while attracting it with greater ease and pleasure!

Through the last 20 years Tara has discovered how empowered women feel when they are given space to authentically self-express. Whether that authentic self expression is through using their voice, claiming their dreams, sharing their gifts, presenting themselves in a way that they feel really expresses their unique essence, truth and power OR creating Sacred Programs that capture the many gifts, talents and wisdom of women, in order to open up wealth streams to support true empowered financial freedom doing the work that only they came here to do at this time on the planet.

To date Tara has created 12 Signature Channeled Programs, many of them STILL continue to generate income.

Some of her Most Well Known & Most Loved Programs Have Been:

The Intuitive Beauty Cleanse ™
Magical Feminine Prosperity ™
Glamour Goddess
Feminine Soul Wisdom
Radiant Mama Rising Year Long Program
Femme Magic 5K & Beyond Mastermind
Feminine Phoenix Rising ™
Akasha Rising ™
Way Of Sacred SHE ™
Flower Of Life Akashic Certification Program ™
AND many more!

You can learn more about Tara by going to www.tarapreston.com.


Copyright © 2021 Tara Preston All rights reserved